"Not all who wander are lost, in fact, we may be in the wonder of it all"
The other day before I went on Spring Break, it was noted that I was open to various religious and philosophical traditions by a close professor of mine and then I was asked if I had a particular tradition of which I followed.
I replied that the truth can be found in more than one place and than in the "Ocean of Truth," Christianity is my bathtub. Jesus is my home-base, if you will, the place where I come back to and decide what is right and wrong for me. Not doctrines, not creeds, not any of the formalized statements with a vengeance that riddles dead and decrepit traditions.
In that sense, I am a heretic. That's a dangerous word but, I confirm it because I refuse to buy into a standard set by others that I have nor will ever meet. So when you find a copy of the Apostolic Fathers, a book on Zen from a Comparative standpoint of a Trappist monk in my bag and the Koran sitting on my desk, don't worry, it's who I am but I know where I'm coming from.
These are just some thoughts on my mind.
-He who knows he doesn't know anything.